Malicious Site Protection Test Pages
Standard Phishing Test
Standard Malware Test
Phishing iFrame Loader
Phishing Legit iFrame Loader
Phishing Open via Popups
Phishing Opening with URL Tampering
Phishing Form Submission
Phishing Service Worker
Malware Download Test
Phishing Redirect via Meta Refresh (Not Flagged in Dataset)
Phishing Redirect via Meta Refresh (Flagged in Dataset)
Phishing JS Redirector (Direct)
Phishing JS Redirector (Indirect)
Phishing iFrame Top Navigator Parent
HTTP 301 Redirect to Main Phishing Test Page
HTTP 302 Redirect to Main Phishing Test Page
HTTP Redirect to Phishing JS Redirector (Indirect)
HTTP Redirect to Phishing JS Redirector (Direct)
HTTP Redirect to Phishing iFrame Loader
HTTP Redirect to Phishing Legit iFrame Loader
HTTP Redirect to Clean Meta Refresh Redirector
HTTP Redirect to Flagged Meta Refresh Redirector
Edge Cases
Page flagged by both DNS protection and in-browser protection
(⚠️ different domain)
Page where malicious site protection is disabled via remote config exception
(⚠️ different domain)
Page flagged in the local data (doesn't require API request)